The most important 7 concepts: |
店づくりは文化づくりだなんて、たいそうな事は解かりませんが、時々「文化」ってなんだろうと考えてしまいます。人が唯一、作りえ、残し、伝えていける形のないもの・・・そんな事に関われるとしたら、それは楽しい仕事です。 |
‘Shops can be culture’ |
It might be difficult to define that building a shop is culture, but it is worth thinking what culture can be. A job will be very enjoyable, if one can involve with a work that only a human being is possible to create, sustain and convey… |
できるなら、クライアントとは一度どっか旅をしてから、仕事を始めたいと考えます。なぜなら、お互いを理解したり、経営の考え方を学んだり、これからの「店づくり」を一緒に進めていく同胞として、先ずプライベートな時間を一緒に過ごすのも知り合っていく上に、必要な事だと思うからです。 |
‘Reason to travel’ |
I would like to travel with a client before starting a new work. This is because I believe that it is very important to share some private time together in order to understand each other and learn a management concept as a partner to accomplish a new work. |
働くスタッフが、いきいきと働ける店でなければいけません。それに、自信をもって、もてなせなければお客様に店の考え方は伝わりません。 |
‘For smiles of staff’ |
Shops must be a place where staff can work lively and cheerfully. Without staff’s confidence, a concept of shop cannot be conveyed to customers. |
個性ある店が長く多くの人に指示される、素敵な事です。 |
‘Originality’ |
Originality is vital. Following trend is not attractive. A characteristic shop can be supported longer and supported by a lot of customers. This is our precious. |
そんな店づくりを標榜しています。 |
‘Thing to be lasting’ |
I would like to create a building and a space which people adore and want to preserve. It is great that the building and the space can be getting better gradually. This is our principle. |
グローバルな時代、日本人特有の感性や美意識を生かした空間は外国の方にも充分共感されます。 |
‘As Japanese’ |
In globalization, a space that has Japanese original idea and characteristics of beauty can be recognized and appreciated by customers from all over the world. |
当然の事です。 |
‘In a time’ |
The quality of material is essential. We choose environmental friendly, ecology, and human friendly material. This is vital. Everything should be created as it will return to the nature eventually. This is our obligation. |